The Gift of Dramatic Change

What is change?

The literal definition is “to make or become different.” But is this a positive or a negative condition? That depends on how we react to it.

Let’s be clear: Change is part of the human condition. Without change, how would we progress, discover, or develop? Simply put, we would not. Change is paramount to any improvements we seek. Two old adages apply here:

  • If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
  • The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over, expecting different results (Albert Einstein).

However, many people want their situation(s) to be different, without implementing any plans or changes. I recently articulated my intentions for dramatic improvements—both personally and at CRG. (I will share the details at another time.) Quite frankly, in a brief period, I’ve had enough change!

Can someone experience dramatic improvements without dramatic changes? No.

We can fool ourselves that convenient, minor adjustments will result in breathtaking transformations. But they will not. For many of us, our intention of extraordinary growth conflicts with our desire to avoid making any actual changes.

I suggest that “slow and steady” does not necessarily win the race or achieve the revolutionary results we want. Given our culture for immediate gratification, slow can sometimes be the kiss of death. But that does not mean fast is always better, either.

How do we find balance, and accept the constant condition of change?

No matter the situation we want to improve, there is a level of change that will create the results we desire. That’s the physical Law of (the Conservation of) Momentum, which states that the total linear momentum of a closed system remains constant through time, regardless of other possible changes within the system.

Without enough force behind it, the energy we expend is absorbed back into the status quo and the new condition is not realized. Then, because we think our efforts did not work, we often stop trying, when, in fact, we just did not apply enough change to create a new condition.

Let me cite a few examples:

  • You want to lose weight, but don’t want to change your lifestyle much. You start by walking 1 day a week for 30 minutes and then wonder why you aren’t losing any weight.
  • Your child is struggling in a subject at school, so you hire a tutor for just 15 minutes a week; the grades do not improve.
  • You want to develop a better relationship with your significant other, so you go out for dinner once a month to spend more time together; the relationship does not improve.
  • You want to increase your sales numbers, so you commit to making one more sales call per day; your sales stay the same.
  • The local sports team is doing poorly, so they bring in a new player. The team doesn’t win any more games than it did before they hired the “star.”

What do all these examples have in common? The Law of Momentum was at work; too little effort was applied to make a significant difference.

If you are not getting the change you seek in your life, you are not making enough alterations.

Dramatic improvements require dramatic change. If you are not getting the change you seek in your life, you are not applying enough effort. You might wish there were another way, another solution, but unfortunately, there isn’t. (I have many personal examples to prove that!)

The necessary level of modification will be unique to every person and situation, but there is a level that will cause the Law of Momentum to kick in for you.

It’s very important to understand that each person responds to change differently.

  • Your Personal Style and your level of self-worth and confidence affect how you respond to change.
  • Your level of health and wellness can determine your ability to handle various levels of change.
  • Your clarity about your direction and purpose significantly increases your ability to implement and be successful in the change process.

The Gift of Dramatic Change
Key Points to Remember

  1. Change is constant; it cannot be avoided.
  2. You cannot achieve dramatic improvements without dramatic changes.
  3. Change works with the physical Law of Momentum. Unless there is enough momentum to alter an outcome or direction, the status quo will prevail.
  4. The correct measure of activity necessary to create your desired change is unique to every situation. Remember, expecting something different to happen while you maintain the status quo is infamously considered “insanity” by Einstein.
  5. Appreciate that each person reacts to change differently. To understand your natural predisposition to change, complete CRG’s Personal Style Indicator. Even though dramatic change requires extraordinary actions, your natural ability to handle change should be taken into consideration.
  6. Other contributing factors that affect your response to change are your confidence, health, and clarity of direction. For these areas, please complete CRG’s Self-Worth Inventory, Stress Indicator and Health Planner, and Values Preference Indicator.
  7. Remember, confident and grounded individuals view change as an inspiring event that can make things better.

Ken Keis, Ph.D.
CRG Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.

Author Bio

Ken Keis, Ph.D., President of CRG, is a global expert on leadership, wellness, behavioral assessments, and life purpose. In 28 years, he has conducted over 3000 presentations and invested 10,000+ hours in consulting and coaching. Ken Keis is considered a foremost global authority on the way assessment strategies and processes increase and multiply success rates. He co-created CRG’s proprietary development models and has written over 4 million words of content for 40 business training programs and 400+ articles. His latest book, The Quest For Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!,is available at

Posted in Wellness.