

Looking for a powerful presentation for your next conference, event, meeting or training seminar?

“From one of the evaluations of Dr. Keis’ presentation at our recent Career Development Conference, “I really like his interaction and experiential activities. Very well done.” Of the 40 workshops we offered, Ken received the most positive evaluations at our entire conference, with a 97% approval rating.“

Donna Brendon
General Manager, BC Career Develop Association

Having a powerful presentation at your next event can be the difference between individuals walking away ready to take action… or just walking away.

Called “the most passionate presenter you’ll ever meet,” Dr. Ken Keis’ dynamic presence on stage leaves listeners engaged with excitement to move forward. With 32 years and over 3000 presentations, his experience in personal and professional development will increase your attendee’s self-awareness, decrease stress and improve their effectiveness both at home and work.

From more intimate gatherings to hundreds at a time, Ken is a powerful speaker who will move your group to the next level of engagement both personally and professionally.

All keynotes and presentations can be customized for your specific needs of topic and length of program.


Contact us now:
Phone: 604-852-0566


“Ken, your presentation style and skills impressed our group of 360, your ability to interact and relate to the audience increased your credibility in their eyes. I was personally impressed with the way you were able to control such a large group, even during the large-group activities.“

Jim Janz, President
Janz and Associates

Popular Topics

Keynotes and Workshops

  • Sales
  • Leadership
  • Communications
  • Values Clarification
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Employee Engagement
  • Personality and Strengths
  • Self-Awareness & Self-Mastery
  • Purpose – Personally and Corporately
  • Wellness, Wellbeing & Stress Management

Our Most Popular Presentations

Why Aren’t You More Like Me?™ The Secrets to Understanding Yourself and Others

In recent research conducted by Talent Smart, it was established that only 2% of the population can or will realize their potential without the information that you are going to learn in this session. This includes intentionally making career and job decisions, interpersonal skills and awareness, confidence, leadership, and relationship success. This learning equally applies to individuals as well as everyone they work with and their personal relationships. In the workshop format, each participant will complete the number-one-rated personality assessment the Personal Style Indicator. This session is foundational to increasing self-awareness and emotional intelligence leading to improved self-mastery.

What Do You Really Value? Learn What Motivates Self and Others!

Everything in life centers on measurement: money, travel, time—the list is endless. Yet, in our experience, most people do not truly understand what their core values might be and how to live them out. Confusion, lack of congruence in our operational values hinders our abilities to make timely decisions. We will share breakthrough research on why values clarification is foundational to everyone’s success. This session is best at 2 hours or more and requires the Values Preference Indicator assessment to be completed by each participant. This workshop has consistently been rated as one of the top sessions in any conference it has presented at. What Do You Really Value? is participant-driven, so be ready to learn, have fun, and contribute 100%!

The Quest For Purpose A Self-Discovery Process to Find It and Live It!

According to Gallup’s recent 142-country study, less than 13% of the global workforce is engaged at work! Why? Simply put, people lack a sense of purpose. But there is an answer to this problem by discovering our purpose and passions which includes our interests, gifts and natural talents. This is not only incredibly enriching and personally meaningful, but it demonstratively increases our fulfillment and success. The Quest for Purpose session is an interactive process that will teach individuals how to discover and live their life “On Purpose” and assist them to help others do the same. Learn about the character traits and mindset of successful individuals – plus you will be given a specific process to confirm your purpose and passions. This is a dynamic, high-energy session that is based on our book, The Quest For Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!

Transforming Leadership – Foundational Skills Required by EVERY Leader to Succeed in the 21st Century

Research has revealed that 70% of individuals feel that their supervisor or leader is incompetent? Leadership Skills (or lack of) create work cultures, engagement levels, productivity and levels of success. We will take you through specific development models, that if you implement them ─ will transform your professional and leadership effectiveness and positively impact your organization. Each participant will complete the Leadership Skills Inventory-Self or the LSI-360º to benchmark their understanding and agreement with core Leadership Principles and rate themselves on 60 Leadership Skills.

Why Don’t You Sell The Way That I Buy?™

Successful selling is all about relationships. Do you know the impact that your selling style is having on your current or potential clients? Rapport building is about being intentional but until you know and understand your selling style and can also read and understand your client’s buying style you will limit your effectiveness and success.

This session will take you through the impact that your selling style is having on your results. Rapport and credibility are everything – especially in sales and customer service – so we will show you how you can avoid destroying it plus teach you where this comes from – and how you can intentionally build trust with others.

This workshop was rated the number one most effective training program for a Fortune 50 company that implemented this sales development process into over 40 countries.

Deliberate Leadership Creating Success Through Your Leadership Style

  • What is your Leadership Style?
  • Do you know the impact and implications of your leadership style on others?
  • Do others want to follow you?
  • Are you aware of the leadership or personal style of those who work for you or you work for?
  • Do you know what motivates them and can you determine what inspires or increases their performance in just a few minutes?

All of this and much more are included in these practical but powerful Deliberate Leadership workshops. If you don’t have a system to measure your style strengths the style strengths of others there is no way to optimize your performance or the performance of others.

Did you know that in a recent study 70% of individuals feel that their supervisor is incompetent? Unless we address this issue, we will never be able to lead successfully. We will share in this session the top two reasons why leaders fail and that both these reasons are caused by the leader. We will also outline the top three skills that leaders need to succeed.

Dying to Live: Breakthrough Health, Wellness and Stress Reduction Practices

Did you know that over 90% of all illnesses are lifestyle-related and over 50% of the global workforce is highly stressed? Who cares if you love your career and life if you are not well and suffering from stress-related illnesses! But there is good news – we all can do something about it. In this highly interactive session, Dr. Keis (drawing from his research and diploma in nutrition and genetics) will share leading-edge research on wellness improvements and stress reduction.

Every participant will complete CRG’s proprietary assessment the Stress Indicator and Health Planner. This session will help you identify and benchmark your stress and your wellness levels in 5 specific areas – Distress, Interpersonal Stress, Wellness (nutrition & lifestyle) Stress, Time Stress & Occupational Stress – so you can personally document your next steps to improve your overall health wellness.