Fulfilling your purpose requires a specific type of mindset. Even if you clarify your purpose and calling, you will not be able to sustain or enjoy it without the right mindset.
How is it that individuals with similar conditions seem to have such different paths or outcomes? Mindset! Why do some of us overcome challenges and succeed while others fail? Mindset! What causes some to have opportunities open up to them and others not? Mindset!
Your mind (thoughts) control, influence, and change your brain; in neuroscience, this is called epigenetics. The way the brain changes as a result of mental activity is called neuroplasticity. And for those of you who are spiritually minded, it is called the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:2). You are a conscious being, in that in every moment, you have a choice about how you will think and respond to any given situation.
Fear is not your friend. Fear freezes you from taking action, hinders progress, and reduces effectiveness. It is, for the most part, self-induced, and causes you—the creator of this fear-based mindset—to needlessly suffer and thwart your own success.
Dr. Caroline Leaf, a neuroscientist and author of Who Switched Off My Brain?, has documented in her work that fear destroys brain cells and that the human body is not designed to operate in fear. Her research has now proven that our fears (thoughts) change the molecular structure of atoms in and around our bodies. Quantum physics has now established that,in many cases, what we don’t see influences our environment more than what we do see. Our thoughts matter, because they are creating our reality and outcomes.
Some of us might say that we can’t help not being or living in fear. This is known as the “victim mindset,” and we can always do something about it—after all, we are the generator of this type of mindset. In each and every moment, we have the power of choice. Fear is simply the mismanagement of our thoughts and minds.
Fear is thinking about all the things we don’t want to happen. The fact is that most (over 97%, statistically) of the events or items we worry about never happen, or we have no control over. The wasted personal energy and the negative effect on others is significant. Yes, we have all had moments in life during which fear grips us by the throat and we want to run, but the beauty of someone who is living On Purpose is that courage ultimately wins out!
The challenge is that many of us are not aware of, or awake to, our negative fearful thoughts. We have practiced worry or fear so much that this is the most-developed muscle in our minds.Rarely do we consider the implication of it. We live in a time of 24/7 news, which, for the most part, is fear-based—lost jobs, economic collapse, shootings, global warming, and on it goes. What is most troubling is that we have little influence, if any, on these global matters, and worrying or being fearful does nothing to fix or address these fears. Sure, we have a part to play in our global community, but if something is out of our control, how does fear help?It doesn’t!
Fear limits, constrains, and reduces our impact, and is a thief of living On Purpose. We miss opportunities because we lack the bravery to act on our opportunities. Somehow, many falsely believe that living a purpose-based life is easy, without effort and challenge; however, the opposite is generally true. On Purpose individuals push through and overcome the roadblocks placed in their path. They don’t cry or whine about it, but step up to the plate to hit the ball out of the park.
Fear causes us to withdraw, and become timid and stressed. If fear is continuously present, our aspirations and related behaviors shrink and diminish. Some of us use fear as an excuse to avoid engagement, playing it safe and never showing up fully to contribute. Many of us state that our fear is about safety, but in reality, we just want to be emotionally comfortable.
In his book, The Motivation Manifesto(2014), author Brendon Burchard states it this way:
If individuals would speak more accurately (about fear), they would say, “I am afraid of how I will feel emotionally, and whether I will live up to my expectations of myself and the expectations of those who put me on stage. I am afraid of how I will look. I am afraid that I may not do well. I am afraid of how I will lose my place or draw a blank; I am afraid I will not be respected.” Notice the order of these comments. It is not “Fear is running me”—it is “I am afraid.” The “I” is leading the way—the ego is in charge.
The challenge is that in the unconditioned mind, fear is louder and more intense and immediate than our desire for self-mastery or for contribution to others. Fear is the greatest usurper of Personal Freedom. It is sad but a real fact that the world is littered with good men and women who simply let the motive of fear drive their lives.
Remember, you always have a choice. Fear or freedom!When you take responsibility, you realize the past is the past, and you can take charge and control of your thoughts and responses going forward.
Mastery does not happen by accident.What is fear costing you?
Ken Keis, Ph.D.
CRG Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.
Author Bio
Ken Keis, Ph.D., President of CRG, is a global expert on leadership, wellness, behavioral assessments, and life purpose. In 28 years, he has conducted over 3000 presentations and invested 10,000+ hours in consulting and coaching. Ken Keis is considered a foremost global authority on the way assessment strategies and processes increase and multiply your success rate. He co-created CRG’s proprietary development models and has written over 4 million words of content for 40 business training programs and 400+ articles. His latest book, The Quest For Purpose: A Self-Discovery Process To Find It And Live It!, is available at thequestforpurpose.ca.